Thursday, May 23, 2013

Must Watch : Kings Of Pastry

"Plot Summary for

The collar awarded to the winners of the Meilleur Ouvrier de France (Best Craftsman in France) is more than the ultimate recognition for every pastry chef - it is a dream and an obsession. The 3-day competition includes everything from delicate chocolates to precarious six foot sugar sculptures and requires that the chefs have extraordinary skill, nerves of steel and luck. The film follows Jacquy Pfeiffer, founder of The French Pastry School in Chicago, as he returns to France to compete against 15 of France's leading pastry chefs. The filmmakers were given first time/exclusive access to this high-stakes drama of passion, sacrifice, disappointment and joy in the quest to have President Sarkozy declare them one of the best in France. " -

If you have Netflix, you have no reason not to watch this amazing documentary! I completely forgot I was reading subtitles for the French parts. This movie is intense,and rooting for the contestants feels like rooting for your favourite sports team. I cried a few tears when they read the final winners list! If you have ever wanted anything in your life,or are looking to see some passion to light your own fire,you will love it!

Ps. If you are interested in a movie with a similar theme, Jiro Dreams of Sushi is also fantastic!

Cait's Balcony Garden : Update #2

                                                        This guy always makes me smile!

                                                Making use of vertical space to get full sun :)

                                                        Halved my strawberry plant !

                              Cherry tomato plant! Cucumber! And my baby lettuce is huge now!!

Must Eat : Fiddleheads


 Saw these guys at the grocery store and felt unsure, but it was like they we're daring me to buy them!
I was confused as they were in water at the store,which was weird (but you want them in water,otherwise they brown). I felt like the one time I had them in the past they were bitter...but I knew I had to try them!!
First I boiled them for 10 min. then sautéed them in butter! YUM. Not bitter,so easy! Kind of like a mild asparagus! I will definitely try these again soon :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Summer Hobby : Cait's Balcony Garden

Last year I planted alot of herbs that I didnt end up using. This year I am going for more leafy greens. The idea of throwing in some fresh greens into my morning smoothies is kind of romantic. 

Tiny adorable romaine lettuce hearts growin' . I made a bet with Dave that I could feed him a salad made from balcony plants. The strawberry plants are new this year, so kind of an experiment. I got a pinwheel in an attempt to scare away pidgeons.

Pansies! I got them one of those automatic plant waterers,but I don't trust it! Doesn't the end just get clogged with dirt?? I am keeping a close eye on these guys...
First year experimenting with growing from seed! Attemoting peas,beans,carrots,green onions and spinach. I will have a lot to give away to the gardeners with the plots outside my apartment building.
First strawberry starting to get red!

Green Smoothie corner!! Arugula,Swiss Chard and Romaine Letture. Still want to get my hands on some kale,carrots and spinach! (if the seeds dont work out) ..
Gerber Daisies! What I thought to be very easy to take care of apparently is a notoriously difficult plant according to online sources. I think I have the ideal climate in Ontario,so maybe that is why its so easy for me! Just trying to make use of my small space!

Happy Gardening!!!

Must Eat : Parsnip Coins

I am going through this phase where I have to figure out how to cook every vegetable. When a friend suggested I try Parsnip,and then gave me one she had in her fridge,I couldn't refuse. I would describe it as a mix between a turnip and a carrot.

- cut pasnip into coins (as thin as you can,but its a little tricky with this dense root vegetable)
-put in a glass pan and drizzle with olive oil
- sprinkle some brown sugar and nutmeg on them.
- cook at 425 degrees until golden brown and tender

You can treat carrots together and even cook em together. Although I find the carrots cook a little faster.