Tuesday, November 26, 2013

5 Beauty Myths Busted

As an esthetician I get asked alot of the same questions. How can I blame anyone who is confused when there is so much conflicting information out there. Obviously,anyone selling any product is going to say "it's the best!". It is hard to know who to trust. Here's five myths I've discovered working in this industry.

1) Myth : Oil is bad! Oil clogs your pores,so it must be good to have less right? That's debatable. I've found using the appropriate oil can balance oily skin. When you provide the skin with oil,it stops detecting the need to overproduce it. When we have oily skin,we tend to think we need a stronger cleanser. However,using a cleanser that leaves you feeling tight usually means you are removing too much oil. Now you skin is feeling tight,and will start pumping out oil to overcompensate. No wonder you are feeling oily by noon!

2) Myth : Products can change pore size. You've heard it a million times right? This miracle cream will actually make your pores smaller! Nope. You pore size is determined genetically. True,if your pore is clogged it may look bigger than when its empty. But that's about it when it comes to size
fluctuations. Your pores are there to serve a purpose,to provide oil to the skin. You can't change it any more than you can the size of your toes. (Believe me, I would love too!)

3) Myth : Eye creams will make dark circles disappear. If this myth were true,and a product truly worked to reverse under eye circles,we would all want that cream. We would all have it. We don't. Under eye circles are from weak capillaries and blood settled in them. If you use any cream to massage the area.you may get some blood moving around,some lymph flowing (which may result in less puffiness) but you can do it with literally any water-based cream. Your best bet is to cover with concealers with light reflecting particles. Sorry :(

4) Myth : Daily Exfoliation. Lately spin brushes seem to be really popular. Daily exfoliants have always been around. Beads = clean. But yes,there is such a thing as too much..especially for those of us with sensitive skin,or even acne. Too much manual exfoliation (ie.scrubs) can not only aggravate inflamed pimples,it can actually make you oilier! When your skin feels irritation,it begins to send out the signal to produce oil in hopes of lubricating the surface to lessen the abrasion.

5) Myth: You need toner. Toners supposedly rebalance the skin from soap. But most toners are just water and alcohol. Never put alcohol on your skin. It is true you feel fresher after using toner,especially if you were removing a lot of make-up. Is it a necessary step? I'd say its a choice. It is not going to be the make or break factor in any skin care routine. If you must,or if you have acne and want something antiseptic I recommend Witch Hazel. If you have sensitive skin equal parts Witch Hazel and water.

There you have it! 5 beauty myths busted! Hope this clears a few things up. Any other myths you want busted? Let me know in the comments. xo

Confession: I am a "Millenial",and I am not Embarrassed about it.


     I am so sick of reading articles on the internet that are making me feel bad about being young and inexperienced. Here's the problem : I am not THAT young or THAT inexperienced. Lately, it seems really hot to talk about the problems of my generation. We all ignore each other with headphones and smartphones. We want instant gratification. We have never seen war, so we don't know reality. We are lazy and entitled. It seems I am always stumbling over articles like the one below. Am I the only one that doesn't feel like a hot mess or an overgrown child??

             Oh poor me! It is so hard living in the dawn of the information era! I cant deny our generation acts like assholes sometimes.I am not saying we have it any harder or easier than those past. For all the benefits of technology,we have a whole new host of problems. I am so sick of the stereotypes that all my generation cares about is Instagram and Twitter. We have a constant flow of information,and the pressure to have the most current news is a never-ending race. Information about our social and personal lives is also readily available.Potential employers may judge us on Facebook photos alone. Never before has been harder to set boundaries. We are too easily accessible. We are not very mysterious. The first generation to document our every mistake and success,with photos,videos,tweets and more. I wouldn't say kids today are more stupid or more misbehaving than past generations...they just leave more evidence.

             Truth of the matter is, the world has changed but the expectations haven't. Maybe you don't have a house and a family at the age your parents might have. But they also probably didn't go to university at 17. Sure they probably had a mortgage, but they might not have been 20,000 dollars + in debt (or worse if you live in the US) from education and then have to ask for one. Half of the problem is our selves making unfair comparisons. But the other part is the world refusing to acknowledge it is changing. If you are going to add something as time consuming as higher education into your life,you are going to need to make room in your "ideal perfect life timeline". 


              I refuse to let unrealistic expectations stop me from feeling proud of my achievements. I know I have pushed myself to be the best I can be and that is enough for me. I do work hard thanks,and I have had a job since I was 15. So I have a little bit of experience. We all have our own set of setbacks and successes. So nobody can define what is the right time to do anything. I am setting reasonable goals and achieving them. I will continue to make productive and healthy decisions. That's all I can ask of myself. I will continue to be very grateful to be born in a country that has so many opportunities to offer. I did not write this to sound entitled or spoiled but I am so sick of being ragged on for profit. This "hot topic" is bullshit!! 

      So Yes,I am 25 and I haven't started a family or a retirement fund and I am not freaking out. : ) Haters gonna HATE.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Truth : My Skin Story

       This is my story of how overcame the battle with the mirror. My skin story starts as most do,that lovely visitor called puberty. Ever since a certain time,I've felt my skin was "out of whack". It was sensitive,but with acne. I tried everything in the commercials : Clean & Clear, Neutrogena, Clearasil, etc. Their advertisements  showed me girls my age with smiling faces and clear skin,telling me all I had to do was banish oil. I willingly spent my part time job money on Oxy Pads and Biore Nose Strips...but I had yet to find the desired result I was promised. I was still oily,using the alcohol, benzoyl peroxide, salycilic acid had made my skin red and irritated. Somehow I was very tight with oil on top. I told myself this would go away once my acne 
stopped. I guess I thought it would be like a switch,I would find the  magic secret. My acne would stop,and then I could take care of the redness and irritation...but right now I wanted to be pimple free. I thought I needed something stronger...hooked like a drug addict! I just had to go that tiny step further,and my beautiful skin would arrive!


 That is when Proactiv stepped into my life. This was different or so they said. You cant just buy this in any store! This is the big guns! I needed it. I used the green bottles religiously. Sure,they burned a bit and my skin felt tight  but that probably just means its doing its job. "This stuff must be good if you can FEEL it working."  I thought to myself. Sure,it bleached my towels,pillowcases,and shirts, but I would do anything to achieve my beauty goal. I ignored these warning signs. I told myself my skin was different, It needed drastic measures. I saw some improvement with the Proactiv, but it stopped after awhile. My skin was still oily
and it was even more red. My loving Polish grandma would hold my chin and say "What is this on your face? Don't you wash it?" and my Dad would tell me to put hydrogen peroxide on it. My mom would tell me "You are beautiful just as you are,but if it gets really bad you can pop it with a sewing needle."  Thanks parents,first the faulty acne genes,and now this stellar advice. 

       When I was 18,I went to the doctor for a yearly check up,after awhile he said.."and I assume you want to ask me about acne medications.." I took his referral for a dermatologist. I was trying so hard,but everyone was still looking at my acne. I wore lots of bright flashy eye make up,and layers upon layers 
of foundations and concealers. Naively thinking people would be distracted. When I finally got in to see the dermatologist,he recommended I use too different creams. Diffirin in the morning,Clindoxyl at night. Just Cetaphil to wash,and no moisturiser. I was willing to do anything,and I got down to brass tax. 

"When can I expect to have totally clear skin?" I asked him. 

           He told me,"If you use these creams for five years, you will have clear skin." I was happy to have finally found the solution.My acne did clear up. My linens continued to be covered in bleach marks ,but I had a routine,and it seemed to be working. My acne was at bay,my skin was still oily and tight. My skin was getting paler and paler,but my doctor told me it was a good thing,that it made the scars less noticeable. As I went through university my skin was pale but clear. I continued to use my creams keeping the five year mark in mind. I didn't want it creeping back up on me. A doctor had told me this was the right thing to be doing,and I trusted him.

                   It wasn't until I went to Esthetics school when I needed to get many skin treatments done on a daily basis. It was too much for my skin. My teacher recommended I stop using my medicated acne creams. I was scared,but she told me she saw no visible pimples on my skin. I was amazed that she was right. I had been treating my skin as acneic for so long,it hadn't even occurred to me that it might have changed. Acne was no longer the defining quality of my skin. I stopped using my medicated creams,and although I got the odd pimple. It wasn't horrible. I learned at school that skin is suppose to have a thin protective layer of oil. I had been removing any and all oil from my face,causing my skin to pump out more! And all the creams were so drying I was completely dehydrated and lacking water. 

                   After graduating I got a job at a natural skin care spa. Everything started to make sense. I learned to balance what goes into my body (food wise) with what goes on my body (product wise). They encouraged me to put oil on my face,one that would be suitable for acne.I started using water based serums to help my skin rehydrate. And it was like the clouds opened up and my skin found Balance. I tried using products for my sensitive skin and it wasn't red and oily any more. I don't think my skin ever was oily in its natural state. It was just a symptom of too harsh of products. I started with light lotions,and worked my way up to rich creams. I stopped using stripping cleansers. I even stopped washing my face in the morning. Which I never would have dared do before!

         The truth is I still get a nasty pimple every once in a blue mood. Hormones suck and I like cheese. But that doesn't define my skin or me.Looking back,I realize I should have payed more attention to the signals my body was giving me. I didn't then, but I sure am now. I notice my skin is absorbing products,it doesn't burn or tingle. It feels soothed and soft,not tight at all.My skin looks plumper and my acne scars have completely faded from their former red tone. This is how my skin has supposed to have been this whole time. This is how it wanted to be in its natural state. 

      I have no idea why it took me so long to figure out those smiling girls in commercials don't have the answer.Looking back it doesn't seem that unsurprising that the people who want me to continue to buy their products don't actually have my health in mind. The beauty industry relies on us to have low self esteem to keep them in business. From now on,nobody can tell me what is right for my skin,besides my own skin!

Must Eat: Fool Proof Stuffed Mushrooms

My mom makes stuffed mushrooms every boxing day! I am sure many people don't think "christmas" when they think stuffed mushrooms,but I sure do. The reason I like making them so much as an adult besides nostalgia,is that the filling freezes nicely and you can whip them up in a pinch for quick meal for yourself or an impressive appetizer for guests.

What you need:
- Lean Ground Pork or  Bacon
- Shredded Cheese (I use Kraft Italiano Cheese)
- Bread Crumbs
- Parmesan Cheese
- Whole White Mushrooms

Cook your meat in a frying pan and put it on paper towel to soak up some of the excess moisture.
While your meat is cooking,clean whole white mushrooms and remove the stems. You can also chop the stems up and put them in the filling if you dont like to waste!
When meat is complete mix equal parts of all your ingredients in a big bowl.
Dry your mushrooms caps,so no excess water is inside.
Fill the mushroom caps,and put the remaining filling in a ziploc container in the freezer! You can put the frozen filling in mushroom caps in the future.

Cook the filled mushroom caps in the oven at 425 degrees for about 15 min! I paired mine with a butternut squash soup for a tasty fall lunch!
