Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Confession: I am a "Millenial",and I am not Embarrassed about it.


     I am so sick of reading articles on the internet that are making me feel bad about being young and inexperienced. Here's the problem : I am not THAT young or THAT inexperienced. Lately, it seems really hot to talk about the problems of my generation. We all ignore each other with headphones and smartphones. We want instant gratification. We have never seen war, so we don't know reality. We are lazy and entitled. It seems I am always stumbling over articles like the one below. Am I the only one that doesn't feel like a hot mess or an overgrown child??

             Oh poor me! It is so hard living in the dawn of the information era! I cant deny our generation acts like assholes sometimes.I am not saying we have it any harder or easier than those past. For all the benefits of technology,we have a whole new host of problems. I am so sick of the stereotypes that all my generation cares about is Instagram and Twitter. We have a constant flow of information,and the pressure to have the most current news is a never-ending race. Information about our social and personal lives is also readily available.Potential employers may judge us on Facebook photos alone. Never before has been harder to set boundaries. We are too easily accessible. We are not very mysterious. The first generation to document our every mistake and success,with photos,videos,tweets and more. I wouldn't say kids today are more stupid or more misbehaving than past generations...they just leave more evidence.

             Truth of the matter is, the world has changed but the expectations haven't. Maybe you don't have a house and a family at the age your parents might have. But they also probably didn't go to university at 17. Sure they probably had a mortgage, but they might not have been 20,000 dollars + in debt (or worse if you live in the US) from education and then have to ask for one. Half of the problem is our selves making unfair comparisons. But the other part is the world refusing to acknowledge it is changing. If you are going to add something as time consuming as higher education into your life,you are going to need to make room in your "ideal perfect life timeline". 


              I refuse to let unrealistic expectations stop me from feeling proud of my achievements. I know I have pushed myself to be the best I can be and that is enough for me. I do work hard thanks,and I have had a job since I was 15. So I have a little bit of experience. We all have our own set of setbacks and successes. So nobody can define what is the right time to do anything. I am setting reasonable goals and achieving them. I will continue to make productive and healthy decisions. That's all I can ask of myself. I will continue to be very grateful to be born in a country that has so many opportunities to offer. I did not write this to sound entitled or spoiled but I am so sick of being ragged on for profit. This "hot topic" is bullshit!! 

      So Yes,I am 25 and I haven't started a family or a retirement fund and I am not freaking out. : ) Haters gonna HATE.


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